What to expect from a nutritional consultation?
You will need to allow up to an hour per horse for your initial consultation.
The consultation will include a full assessment of the horse’s current body condition, weight, feeding regime and ration along with a summary report.
We can also discuss any concerns and aims you have for that individual horse.
After the consultation recommendations going forward will be discussed.
I will follow this up with a summary email (within 5 working days) where recommendations and comments will be presented in table form including not just what to feed, but the reasons behind this.
If you would like a more in-depth report or if there is a clinical concern that requires more investigation, an extended report may be required.
I can also offer specific advice for performance yards on NOPS, performance feed timing, travel and staying away considerations and body condition and weight tracking to identify ideal performance condition. For studs, I can offer advice on feeding for conception, throughout gestation and lactation also specific recommendations for growth and development, including growth monitoring.
I am happy to report back to or work alongside your vet, farrier, physio or other paraprofessionals on any occasion – just ask.
© 2021 Practical Equine Nutrition